Clever ways to incorporate exercise into your morning routine

According to the findings of a new US study presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, the earliest risers and those who exercise early went on to be the most active for the rest of the day.

Clever ways to incorporate exercise into your morning routine

For every hour people slept in after 7.30am, there was a noticeable drop in activity levels. So if you’re at your best before work, you’re lucky. Try one – or a mixture – of the following…
Get up and get goingTry personal trainer Lucy Wyndham-Read’s Monday-to-Friday Morning Challenge: ‘Every morning, before your shower, do 40 reps of the following exercises,’ she says. ‘On Mondays, squats; Tuesdays, standing wall press-ups; Wednesdays, lunges; Thursdays, tricep dips, and Fridays, side-to-side jumps. As you get better, you can add more reps. This kickstarts your metabolism as well as getting you in a better mindset to make healthier choices all day.’ For more tips, follow Lucy on Twitter (@lucywyndhamread).
Tone while you’re in the bathroom‘When you’re cleaning your teeth, stand on one leg to work on your balance and core stability,’ says Lucy. ‘Close your eyes to make it harder. You can also take your straight, raised leg slightly behind and to the side, then pulse it up and down to tone your buttocks. Switch legs halfway through.’
Use the commute as a built-in workout
If you live close enough, leave the car at home, pull on your trainers and walk, run or cycle to work (check out If it’s too far, take public transport, but leave earlier and walk at least a quarter of the way. ‘Every little bit of activity counts – even walking up and down the platform while you’re waiting for the train’, says Lucy

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