Record-Setting Buffalo Arrowed on Lake Texoma

Record-Setting Buffalo Arrowed on Lake Texoma


Allen Bynum, of Ardmore, Okla., with his state-record bighead buffalo weighing 60 pounds, 6 ounces, caught at Lake Texoma on April 25, 2015. (Photo courtesy of
April 25, 2015, angler Allen Bynum, of Ardmore, Okla., was bowfishing in Lake Texoma in Love County when he shot a new state-record bigmouth buffalo. The fish was 43 inches in length, 33 3/4 inches in girth and weighed 60 pounds, 6 ounces.
The fish was weighed on certified scales at the Durant State Fish Hatchery. It was kept by the angler.
The previous state-record bigmouth buffalo weighed 59 pounds 15 ounces, caught in November 1988 at Greenleaf Lake.


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