Research Centeris expected torecordthe British economygrew3%in 2014
Signeda prominentresearchinstitutethatthe economic recoveryinBritainis becomingmore established, which raise the ceiling onits forecastfor economic growthfor 2014.
TheNational Institute ofEconomic and Social Researchsaid on Tuesdaythathe expectedthe British economyrecordeda growth of3.0percent thisyear, up fromthe previousappreciationof2.9percent.
Butthe institutesaidthat while thegrowth of the economyin the second quarterof the yearsurpassedthe peak levelrecorded before thefinancial crisisin 2008, but it may takeuntil2017in order torecoverthe per capitaeconomic output.
ThenewInstitutesay that thepuzzlepoor levels ofproductivity inBritainis among theworst in thegroup of rich countriesSba-isbecause ofuncertainty.
He said thatthe continuedrecovery inthe housing marketand the growth ofmortgage lendingare themain concernin the short term.
He added thatit is unclearwhatisthe impact thatwould have onthe intervention ofthe authoritiesrecentlyin the housing market.
In additiontothe introduction ofmore stringentauditsonthe ability ofborrowersto meettheir mortgage paymentsannouncedthe Bank of Englandlast month,measures to preventthe accumulation ofhigh-riskmortgages.