Manchester Unitedmake a presentationto 45million poundsto buyVidal
According to press reportsEnglishthatManchester Unitedcame close tomaking an offer tobuythe starChileanArturoVidalcompared to45 millionpounds,whichproceededofficialsManchester Unitedare alreadyinnegotiationswithJuventus, who playshisVidalin orderto reach an agreementin this regardbefore thestart of the seasonThe new.
It was reportedthatVidalhas already agreedto move toTraffordwherethe parentwill receive arewardof182thousandpoundsa week.
It is noteworthythat in theevent of the completionof this transaction,will becomeVidal, whoat the age of27yearsis the most expensiveplayereverin the history ofthe teamthe Red Devils, as thevalue of thepurchasewill increasefar behind theother hand,paid bythe clubto buyJuan MataChelsea'sformerandreached1.37 millionpounds.